
surv. vol. 1

How do you pronounce your last name?
Like "wolf", but with a "v".

When was the last time you cried?
Err.. Sunday night.

Do you want to fix things with anybody?
I'm just letting things happen as they happen at the moment.

If you were to die today would your life be complete?
I've been a good person and I have people who love me and who I love right back, so yes.

How was your sleep last night?
Fucking awesome.

Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?
Hmm.. I actually don't think so. Or if they do have the same one, it's not spelled the same.

Where did you sleep last night?
My bed. All alone :( I hugged a pillow.

Do you get annoyed when you see someone you don't like?
Nah, not really. Some people make me sad to see though. And some make me uncomfortable.

Do you have a best friend?
I have a couple :)

What are your plans for tomorrow?
Class from 9:30 - 3:30, probably a nap, probably more work on my Medieval art history review, and possibly collecting for my English field project.

Do you miss the way things used to be?
I miss being innocent and simple. Everything is way too complicated these days.

Do you like your hair?
Man, I never like my hair. I'm dying it again soon. Colour preferences?

Are you a patient person?
EXTREMELY. Patient. Very very very patient.

How are you currently feeling?
Like a weight has been lifted. Yay, English profs! (And showers.)

Have you ever intentionally made someone jealous?
Obviously, haha.

Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for?

Tell me about the shirt you're wearing?
I got it from this really awesome guy. His name is Marcio Novelli. Oh, and it's a shirt for his music :) <3

Are you currently frustrated with a boy/girl?
Yeah, man. And not in the way one would think.

When is the last time you were hugged?
Last night.

Do you think you'll be in a relationship in 3 years?
That's a long way off; let's live in the moment, shall we?

Honestly, what color is your underwear or boxers?

Honestly, what's on your mind?
Needing to finish reading Treasure Island... but I'm not doing that and I'm doing this instead. Also, how badly I want fucking chocolate cheese cake. Yesss.

Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?
Not at all, for once in my life.

Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute?
I'm actually quite content being here alone for a while. I would, however, love to see my brother and give him a hug.

Have you ever been depressed?
Who hasn't.

What is your relationship status?
:) sup.

Do you text fast?
Extremely fast, haha.

Who was the last person you cried for?
Myself. I'm coming to terms.

Is this year the best year of your life?
It's been an alright year. I'm growing up :)

Do you believe everything happens for a reason?

what are you listening to?
The mini fridge humming.

Do you have any siblings?
My brotherface :)

If you do, are you jealous of them?
Not at the moment, haha.

Are you keeping a big secret right now?
No, not particularly. I might just be not SAYING something... but it's not really a secret.

Do you prefer to take showers at night or in the morning?
Night or afternoon.

Do you always answer your phone?
Not always, haha.

Have you ever fallen asleep in someone's arms?
Yes sir.

Do you sleep on your stomach?

Who do you tell everything to?
Mom, Brooke, JC, Eileen, Alex, and Rebecca.

Do you like your life?
It's pretty sweet.

Do you ever keep arguing when you know you're wrong?
I don't argue.

Do you like lightning?
It's pretty. In the summer, my dad and I sat out back watching a lightning storm above the clouds. It was so pretty.

Have you ever cut someone else's hair?

Last person you said ‘i hate you’ to?
I have no idea. I don't usually say I hate people.

Rain or sunshine?
Sunshine. Or warm rain on warm summer days.

Favourite movie?
Juno. Elizabethtown. Nick and Norah. Breakfast At Tiffany's. Garden State. Finding Nemo. Ratatouille. Amelie.

What’s your biggest turn on, physically?
Ugh.. it sounds awful, but watching someone smoke. And forearms. And beautiful eyes.

Have you ever missed someone and regretted breaking up with them?
Missed, yes. Regretted breaking up, yes but only because I miss the person and what we were. I'm awesome with everything now though! Or, at least, most things.

Have you ever dated someone more than once?

If you could go on ONE DATE with any celebrity, who would it be?
Davey Havok. Hands down.

Do you hold grudges?
I can.. but I don't anymore.

Do you regret dating anyone?
No, because it all made me who I am today.

Missing someone?
My bests and my family.

Are you happier single or in a relationship?
I don't know yet! It depends on the relationship. Sometimes they get stressful and it's hard to just live for yourself... but it's nice when you lose hope because you're able to live for someone else.

Would you rather date someone who was SUPER HOT or someone who was nice?

Do you stay friends with the people you’ve dated?
I'm only friends with two people I've dated.

Would you fight over someone you wanted to be with?
Been there, done that, it doesn't work if they're set in their ways. At some point you just have to step back and move on.

Some random girl comes up to you and says “who the hell are you,” what do you say back?
I'd probably just laugh really hard and awkwardly.

Last person to see you cry?
Ughhh, Jeremy. THAT was embarrassing, haha.

Would you ever share a girl/boyfriend with your best friend?
In a joking way, yes, but in a real way, no. Fuck that shit, they can get their own!

Are most of your friends guys or girls?
I have a pretty healthy mix of both.

How long does it take you to get ready to go out?
Not too long. It depends on where I'm going and who I'm going with.

Do you straighten your hair every day?
No. I haven't straightened my hair in time.

Have you ever stole?
Just hearts ;)

Do you know anyone who has lost there virginity?
I know people with children. Obviously. haha

What bill do you hate paying most?
Hydro, haha.

Is your best friend pretty?
They're beautiful!

Are you taller than 5′4″?
Yeah, by four and a half inches! Beat that.

And now on to reading Treasure Island, the Frog King, and Early Medieval Art History.