
the fame

It's been a month.
A whole month.
And I think we've been through more than most people go through in a year.
We've been challenged many times and yet we keep pushing through.
It seems worth it so far.

I'm having a hard time with this essay but after it's done, I only have finals.
I'm counting the days until I come home for Christmas.
I'm seeing the Reason tomorrow night and Brand New Sunday night, both with Eleanor.

I just realized how many times in a day I use the phrases "I" or "me".
It really isn't just about me.
(It's always been about you.)

Dinner tonight will be just Dad and I.
Those are my favourite dinners sometimes because we never really get any time to just us.

I don't know what else to write.
I'm excited for Brand New.

1 comment:

  1. I like those kind of moments as well. They are truly beautiful.
