
don't fuck with the truck

Greatest night ever last night. Well. Potentially. Tonight may beat it, seeing Brand New and all.
Anyway, I went to Eleanor's, we watched the OC, went to the Casbah super early and no one was there, so we went to Tim Horton's for legit two hours. When we got back to the Casbah it was getting more and more full which was rad. I saw Marissa! I haven't seen her in literally years. I miss her and her beautiful big heart.
Anyway, the Reason was fabulous! So great. I can't believe that Cubby is now playing keys/shakers/PLUS guitar. Three guitars in one band playing the same thing together?! Whaaat is that crap. Anyway, it was quite wonderful despite three guitars playing the same thing at the same time (occasionally). They played so many new songs and to be quite honest (despite what a lot of people are saying), I really, really enjoyed them. There was one that was pretty funky and I just got right into it. I'm really proud of them; they've completely developed their sound and Adam has brought back screaming on the new album apparently. I'm very excited to hear it. It comes out in March so I'm going to have to make sure I'm home for the CD release party because I'm sure there will be one.
The highlight of the night was them playing Afterparty At The Actor's Estate. They literally NEVER play that song live unless they're playing an acoustic set. Eleanor and I just literally grabbed onto each other and didn't let go. There was something about the crowd at that time; all I felt was so much love. That's what I miss about going to shows. Being right in the middle of just pure talent and love and respect and admiration and appreciation. That's how music should feel.
Afterward I bought a Monster Truck shirt (see picture, and yes, it says "Don't Fuck With The Truck", and I am going to wear it proudly) and then we bounced, drove Eleanor home, came home myself, turned my brother's light off as he had passed out with it on, and got into bed.
I'm terribly excited for tonight. I cannot believe that I am going to see Brand New. Jesse Lacey is quite possibly one of the greatest lyricists of all time.
I hope they play the Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot.
I might cry if they do.


  1. Yeah, Brand New defz beat it, but it was still an amazing night and I'm happy to have shared it with you ^_^

  2. Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot.


    Is it your favourite song as well?

  3. Yes! I'm getting a tattoo related to it :)
