
if i'm a liar and you're a thief

The new Brand New album, Daisy, came out yesterday. I hurried out to the mall after my class and having lunch with Eileen and picked it up. I also got two great v-necks for $9.50 each and they're so nice! I love Garage, honestly.
Anyway, the verdict on Daisy is...... I'm not sure.
Of course it is FAR from being another Deja Entendu. There will never be another Deja Entendu. And there are certain songs that I like, and certain songs that I hate. The first track on the album is the second-worst song on the whole record. The first-worst song is called Be Gone. It's a sort of interlude in the middle of the album, but it has echoey, distorted screamed out words that don't really sound like words but more like someone dying in a gutter. I never knew Jesse Lacey could make such disgusting sounds. The highlights of the album would definitely be Sink, You Stole, Daisy, Noro, and Bought A Bride. The nostalgic Deja Entendu wannabe song is At The Bottom. It's lovely and has great lyrics. I had very mixed feelings about Bought A Bride. At first I didn't like it, but as I listened to it a few more times, it started to grow on me. I'm hoping the entire album grows on me, because right now there is not one song on it that I could say I absolutely "love". There is one line, however, that says "And if I'm a liar, and you're a thief, at least we both know where the other one sleeps". It's not even that profound of a lyric, but the way Jesse sings it makes it special somehow. I like it very much for the sole reason of how he sings it and somehow makes it rhyme and sway and flow. Kudos, Jesse. But next time, please don't let Vince write the majority of the album.

Anyway, I've been up since 8 am after finally falling asleep around 2:30 last night. I'm tired. I feel slightly cranky as well and I don't know why. There's nothing to be cranky about, except for the fact that I have reading that I should be getting on top of and holding down the fort with (and, you know, writing papers on articles and studying for midterms that I have in a week)... but I just can't do it at the moment. I read myself out on Monday night. Seventy pages of English, a 22 page article for art history, and a few pages (with notes) for Greek art history was all read on Monday. I almost died. A nap and some eating was thrown in there as well.
I've been in class for the better part of the day and got groceries, so I think I'm doing pretty well right now while running on six and a half hours of sleep.
On a wonderfully productive note, I just planned out all the classes that I am going to take next semester. They are all 100% art history and I am so, so excited. I'll be taking Renaissance, Aboriginal, and Canadian art, along with Photographic History and Art Theory and Criticism. I'm super excited for theory and crit, since I think you learn a lot about museums as well and I want to see if I like something like that. Maybe I'll work in a museum. That might be nice. Or I'll own my own gallery! Oh man, I would have so much fun with that!

Eileen, Alex and I (and possibly Joey and Juan) are going to Brass Taps tonight. I think I'll nap before we go. A nap would be glorious.

Also, I'm still thinking of that message that was sent to me by an old friend, and it still makes me smile a lot of a lot.

By the way, your chromosomes have combined beautifully.


  1. I wholeheartedly agree with this review minus You Sink which is a gross song. That line from You Stole is one of my favourites too, it was in my MSN name for quite some time after the album leaked.

  2. Sink* Epic fail and I am not pleased with the fact that I can't just go delete that comment and repost it pretending I hadn't failed so hard

  3. Hahahahaha.
    But I won't because I think it's funny.
    It reminds me of "You Stink".

    HAH. lav-ah you!

  4. I was thinking of getting that album.

    Now I am not too sure. However, everyone interprets music differently.

  5. It's still worth it, pick it up!

  6. I did.

    At first, I did not like it but it is growing on me.
