
lord of the rings marathon

I'm Lord Of The Ringing at the moment.
I'm also sleepy.
Friday night: Che with old friends.
Saturday night: Casbah with Dave + friends.
Sunday morning/afternoon: barn and Wendy's with Brooke.

I like busy days.

I bought a new sewing machine yesterday, and shorts. Yes, shorts. I haven't owned my own pair of shorts since seventh grade. Win? I haven't decided yet.

I've come to the horrifying conclusion that I would indeed name my male child Bradley. I tried to deny it for so long, but it's one of my favourite names. Oh dear.

I don't even know what to write, other than I'm thoroughly confused as to this change of heart. But I'll take what I can get. I'll take anything at this point. Just hold me tight and I'll close my eyes and pretend forever.

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