
i'm convinced that wondering 'what if' is the worst thing there is

It's 1:38 in the morning and I'm awake and wondering if you're asleep.

I hit up Pepperjack Cafe tonight to see my brother's best friends (and also the boys I grew up around) play their first show. Dave came and hung out as well which was nice. For some reason, he is able to take my mind off of pretty much everything except laughing. I appreciate that more than he could ever know. I must admit, I was a little nervous for Jamsquid's first show. I wasn't sure how serious they were about being a band. But I should have expected more because that's what I got! They fucking rocked! And everyone came out for them. I saw people I haven't seen in years and years. How wonderful. It was ridiculously packed in there during Jamsquid and then everyone filed out before the last band started playing. I felt kind of bad, but whatever. You bring your own crowd when you're a new band. And these guys brought a fucking sweet crowd.
That's what I like to see.

Earlier in the afternoon I went to Eric and Mike's studio to chat with them about working on web stuff for Hive Studios. I'm pretty stoked to be on board with them. They're awesome dudes. And now I have lots to keep me busy. Fantastic!

Other than that, I made dinner for my family and read to stop myself from thinking too much. Unfortunately, my mind is still on you. I swear I'm not obsessed! I just care about you more than I should... and more than you do now. I think there was a time where you did care.
I just wish I knew what I did wrong.

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