
this is the way i deal with you, so deal with it

I am sick and it is not fun. I'm just trying to keep moving around as much as possible because that usually makes me feel better. Unfortunately I have next to no energy and every time I move I feel dizzy. Yesterday I made the horrible decision to take an Advil Cold and Sinus. Why is this horrible? Because I'm allergic to decongestants. Which means, I'm allergic to almost ALL allergy medicine as well. So I snort steroids. True story.
Anyway. I took the medicine and was like, yeah, I'll sleep the effects off, who cares? I'll be fine! Yeahhhhhhno. Not at all. I woke up for dinner and felt like I was gonna vom all over the place. So I tried eating and I couldn't because the medicine had affected me that badly. Fuck my life.
This is why it takes forever for me to get over colds! Because I can't take goddamn medicine or it makes me even worse! It's awful.

Whatever. I'm sick, that's my "I'm a huge baby" rant for the day. Oh. But because of me feeling like poop, I didn't get to go see the Reason :(
Very sad. I almost cried a little. But that could have just been my sinuses hating my eyes.

On the up side of things, my furniture is all painted and done (hopefully I don't have to do another coat cause I've already done two).
I'm also thinking of bringing facebook back. I think I'm ready. I think I might be strong enough not to be a fucking lurk and end up making myself feel awful again. At least, I hope I'm strong enough for that...

I have green tea.