
i know, i know, i know, i feel the same as you

Dunna nunna...
I am now the proud owner of a 100% authentic (and expensive) silk Hermes scarf. No, not HER-ME'S. It's pronounced "errh-mayze". That's right. I can wear it AND pronounce it like a pro.
Anyway, my dad bought it for my mom on his way home from Japan a few years ago and she never wears it because it's "not her style", so we were talking about it tonight and my dad said I should have it. So my mom gave it to me. Just like that! She wanted to before, but she didn't want to hurt my dad's feelings (truth be told, my dad doesn't have very good fashion sense.. neither does my grandma, come to think of it, except in purses and jackets). So I inherited it. I am so, so happy and grateful to have it. Honestly, I think that any time I'm sad, I just have to pull it out of the box and wrap it around my neck and feel the real French silk and remember that not everything is bad because, after all, I own a silk Hermes scarf.

Ugh, I don't mean to brag. I really, truly don't. I just like pretty things and they make me so happy. The best therapy for me is shopping therapy. It's sometimes even less expensive than my previous $200 sessions of cognitive behavioural therapy. Imagine that. I am very sorry if this makes you feel bad. That isn't my intention at all. One day, I will buy each and every one of you something you REALLY REALLY REALLY want (or maybe just a really adorable puppy), just so you experience the same happiness I am now.

Hmm.. what else.
Wow. This blog has actually gotten very personal since I started it. Well. I guess that happens. I'm a personal kind of gal. I spill my guts, I wear my heart on my sleeve. Honestly, if you asked me what my deepest, darkest secret was, I'd probably tell you. Just because I don't really have anything to hide. There's nothing really that would come back to bite me in the ass. I've been upset, I've been stepped on, I've been humiliated, laughed at, teased, tested, I've walked into the boys bathroom in front of people who constantly made fun of me IN HIGH SCHOOL (true story), and I've made it out alive. So really, there's nothing I have to hide.
No, I have never been to jail or killed a man with only my thumb. My index finger, however, is another story...

My mommy took me out for dinner tonight too, since it was only the two of us. Then we went to the bookstore and I bought the new Nylon magazine and a Sephora book. I'm so excited about both of them and I can't wait to start cracking into them (I already started the Sephora one the second I got home from the bookstore). We went for a walk and watched Desperate Housewives. We talked. We laughed. And it was nice to know that some things never change.

Mom, you are my rock. You are the reason I am still alive. You are my strength, my heart, my soul, and my home. I could be anywhere in the whole world, and if you were there, I would not feel lost. Not one little bit.
I pity anyone who does not have the kind of person my mom is to me in their life.

Now if you'll all kindly excuse me, my life is waiting...

PS: Anyone got $4000 they wanna lend me for this Hermes bicycle? Seriously now.